Saturday, December 7, 2019

Intellectual Resource Generation Method †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Intellectual Resource Generation Method. Answer: Introduction: The ABC timber and hardware company is a big organization having 12 branches in the complete state. The company wants to develop a knowledge management system for increasing the efficiency of the enterprise. The company is looking forward for the system which makes the new employees to obtain the information and knowledge of their senior person. The new information system should be capable of providing information relevant to the different department of the organization such as accounting, human resource, administration, and other. The efficiency of the working employees should be improved with the deployment of the new information management system. In this paper, we are going to design a knowledge management system which helps in improving the efficiency and working environment of the enterprise. The analysis of the current system helps in determining the strength and weaknesses associated with the working of the information management system. The traditional system is efficient in maintaining long term relationship with the customers. The monthly reports are provided by the sales manager at the end of the month (Rolling, 2011). The purchasing activities can be efficiently maintained in the accounting system of the organization which provides financial statement of the enterprise (Simpsons, 2010). It is difficult to analyse the knowledge of senior executives by the new sales person at the time of retirement. This problem results in the wastage of time to analyse the past work done by the senior person. Strength and weaknesses Strength Weaknesses Face to face communication between the sales manager annually Better communication and understand ability between the customers and employees of the organization (Kodali, 2015) The employees are motivated towards the their work The market share of the organization can be kept highThe frequent information cannot be retrieved from the different departments of the enterprise. The updated information is not retrieved from the central database. The strategic management system is not developed according to the requirement of the organization ((Robertson, 2015). Inefficiency in the management of activities for the working employees Incapability in managing the vast database of the purchasing activities Research Questions Is the current working information system is capable of storing information on the cloud for easy accessing of the information? Is the current information system is capable of providing knowledge to the new sales officer for increasing its efficiency? What are the issues associated with the traditional working information system? The features which should be added in the development of the new system are categorised as The new system should be capable of exploring web content management system The new system should be capable of exploring document management system The new system should be capable of exploring record management system The new system should be capable of exploring digital asset management system The new system should be capable of exploring learning practices for the new employees (Liu, 2014) The new system should be capable of exploring collaboration with different departments of the enterprise (Oper, 2010). The new system should be capable of exploring better communication platform between the different participating units. Planning activities for the implementation of the IMS The activities which are deployed for the implementation planning of the new information management system are categorised as following Development of the leadership program Development of the strategies for the knowledge management Definition of the road maps for the knowledge management program Implementation of the knowledge management process Coordination of knowledge management activities with the transfer of knowledge, maintenance program, and evaluation of the activities (Adams, 2014). Reviewing of knowledge management system Determining the knowledge type The following flowchart shows the flow of activities for the development of the implementation model: The success of the new information system depends on the use of knowledge, professional experience, investigation of the research, inclusion of quality control services, increasing reputation of the company, and maintaining healthy relationship with the customers and other working employees (Kaplan, 2006). Quantification of human, physical, and financial resources in the implementation of the new system Human Resources Physical Resources Financial resources The role and responsibilities should be divided between the working participant according to their capabilities and efficiencies. The training and development program helps in improving expertise of the working employees. Improvement in infrastructure Requirement of physical devices at sender and receiver end Implementation of the server program Cost estimated with the development of the project is approx. $ 185000. Role and responsibilities of the stakeholder Name Role Responsibilities R. Greenwood Project manager He is looking forward on the features to be added in the development of the new information management system for the enterprise S. Brown Designer He works on developing the design of the information system according to the requirement specification presented by the project manager L. Liu Project senior executives Work on developing the upgrading of the database W. Wuest Senior sales executives Works on providing the information which is required to be kept on the cloud for future use E. Buhalis Account manager Activities required to be linked with the new implementation management system H. Hasan Project sponsor Estimation of the funds required for the development of the project Identification of the monitoring program Development of the feedback system: The feedback system helps in analysing the flaws in the proposed system. It helps in inventing the change management program for increasing the efficiency of the new system. Evaluation of the project objectives: The checklist should be prepared for identifying the performance of the new system according to the requirement placed by the project owner in the requirement specification plan. The matching of the activities with the generated checklist helps in analysing the performance of the new project. The efficiency of the new information system can be improved with the analysis of the risks management plan associated with it to take proactive action according to the requirement of business activity. The organization challenges and the impact on the working efficiency of the employees should be taken under consideration. The training and development program is required to upgrade the efficiency and effectiveness of the employees for using the new system. It helps in creating social responsibility in the working employees It helps in providing guidelines and procedures for using the new information management system developed for the organization. The promotional activity should rely on the complaints done by the working employees with the traditional environment which helps in distinguishing the benefits of the new system over the existing working environment. The new information system should deploy government compliance requirement specification plan to overcome the legal issues with the new system. The development of the governance compliance model helps in resolving legal issues created with the deployment of information system. The ethical code of conduct should be followed for managing the ethical behaviour in the working curriculum of the organization to resolve the issues related with the chaotic created at the work place. The proficiency of the employees can be effectively improved with the deployment of ethical standards guidelines and policies. Conclusion The purpose of this paper is to develop a new information system which can provide relevant knowledge to the new employees directly from the database. The new information system should be capable of providing information relevant to the different department of the organization such as accounting, human resource, administration, and other. The developed information system is capable of managing better communication between the customers and employees of the organization. References: Adams, O. (2014). Human, physical, and intellectual resource generation-proposal for monitoring. Retrieved from Kaplan, R. (2006). How to implement new strategies without disturbing your organization. Retrieved from Kodali, R. (2015). Knowledge management tools. Retrieved from Liu, W. (2014). Monitoring, review, and evaluation. Retrieved from Oper, P. (2010). Knowledge management for improving business processes. Retrieved from Robertson, J. (2015). Principles for effective management system. Retrieved from Rolling, S. (2011). Design and implementation of knowledge management system. Retrieved from Simmsons, R. (2013). Steps to implement knowledge management program at your organization. Retrieved from

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